Few days ago we got to know that Eurovegas, the most ambitious gambling project ever planned in Europe, just got canceled. Everything that seemed to be good news during the past years, got evaporated instantly when Sheldon Adelson announced that he couldn’t reach an agreement with Spanish authorities in certain problematic issues.

The fact is that Mr. Adelson started to pull the strings too much, until they broke. He was demanding a special treatment, specially in taxation benefits, and by softening the anti tobacco law that the institutions have been developing for the past years.

Eurovegas was the dream of the local politicians. In a period of strong crisis, Madrid could only dream with such a project to be on the picture again, generate some thousands of jobs, and attract new tourists. But all this is gone with the wind now. In a few months Madrid has seen how he has lost the chance to host the Olympic Games (for three times in a row), and its second dream has just vanished. That, added to a extremely long strike in the cleaning services, has severely affected the popularity of the local politicians. However, in this case, majority of people is happy to hear that the authorities have been firm against the unrealistic demands of Sheldon Adelson and his investor group. Because many people was afraid that it would turn out to be a new Welcome Mr. Marshall.

It now seems like Eurovegas will end up being Asiavegas, as the new plan is to bring the gambling city to either Japan or South Korea. Knowing how serious and good negotiators are in Asia, compared to Spain, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr.Adelson has to come back to wherever he came from with empty hands and many enemies in the political sphere.