World top tennis player in ATP rankings, Spanish Rafa Nadal, will make his official debut in European Poker Tournament on 12th December in Prague’s event. Most of the big players are announced to take part in the event, and its also confirmed that many celebrities and athletes will be present in Czech’s capital for the event. So you better try to follow it so you can be updated.

Nadal, who started playing Poker no longer than one year ago has recently become ambassador of big fish Pokerstars. Ever since he started playing, he has been trying to master the game, as he has achieved in Tennis. Recently, he has given some comments about how he became hooked up with Poker: “It’s no secret that I love the competition and that’s what I like about poker,”…”It’s a game of skill that requires mental strength and the ability to out-think your opponents and in that way there are similarities to tennis. I have been playing poker online for almost 18 months and now I’m looking forward to the challenge of playing my first live tournament.”

We all know Rafa Nadal for being a very professional and dedicated Tennis player, who lives 100% for the sport, and never misses a training. And the same can be applied to poker, its new hobby. According to his poker coach, Alfonso Cardalda, he has taken poker as seriously as he has taken tennis all his life, and he has never seen anyone as motivated as his pupil to master the game. Finnish kasino is fun to play at. Cardalda also believes that his tennis career can clearly benefit from the new skills Nadal is achieving in poker, as he believes that both activities have many common things. In poker games, same as in tennis games, concentration plays a key role, and you also need to study your opponent to anticipate yourself to his next move. Also, both games can last for really long time, and we all know that is in these kind of long tennis games where Rafa Nadal dominates his rivals, due to his better physical and mental preparation.

2013 has probably been Nadal’s best season, winning 2 Grand Slams and reconquering the top ranking at ATP. Now its time to check if Nadal can dominate the poker tables as well.