Category Archives: Tips

16 ways to lose weight fast

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Thought I’d stray a bit from writing casino related articles and instead post something I’ve been thinking about lately. Enjoy!

How to Lose Weight Fast
The story of counting your calories every single day and pledging to control your diets happens every single day for most of us. However, no sooner than thinking about controlling our diets, we end up eating cupcakes, drinking gazillion cups of coffee and grabbing countless mojitos during those happy hours. There’s a better way than going through the same ordeal every single day without any results. All you need to do is follow these simple tips and you should be able to lose weight quickly and effortlessly.

Cut back on your fatty food
Instead of ordering a grilled chicken salad, try out that delicious bowl of pasta. All you need to do is cut down on a couple of fatty food meals in the entire month.

Stop stocking up fries and candy bars
Force yourself to go to the store every time you crave for chips, fries or candy bars. The extra effort of having to walk all the way to the store to fulfil your desires is bound to make you ignore them very soon.

Exercise in batches
If you’re too lazy to take time out for exercises, add bits and pieces of exercises whenever possible. For example, you could do crunches during those TV commercials and dance while washing the dishes. This helps you to burn your extra calories and also prevent you from munching away to glory.

Stop smoking
Smoking does a lot more than harm your lungs. It ruins your skin and also prevents you from exercising and feeling healthy.

Take care of those happy hours
An after office beer or deep fried dinner with colleagues after dinner is extremely common. Cut down on your happy hour intakes or change the way you approach happy hours. Alternate between the pub and the local track or the swimming pool. You’re bound to notice the difference very soon.

Don’t ignore those veggies
Green leafy vegetables might sound yucky, but they are known to be extremely healthy for your body. Apart from offering innumerable health benefits, they also assist in skin care and dieting. The biggest advantage of eating greens is that you your hunger disappears very fast, thereby eliminating the room for fries and sweets.

Stop eating during the night
The best way to shed off your extra kilos is to stop eating after 06.30PM. It also helps to cut out on those midnight snacks.

Tone down your fries
Instead of ordering for super sized fatty foods, try ordering for smaller sized fries. Instead of ordering for a six piece box of chicken nuggets, try to satiate yourself in one. You should be able to shed off a few kilos in no time at all.

Run, run and then run some more
Running is one of the best ways of getting rid of the extra baggage. Running for just 20 minutes during your lunch hours should help you lose as much as 20 pounds within a couple of months. It should also help you build up on your energy levels and shape up your body.

Top Ten Texas Hold’em Poker Tells

Poker tells are considered to be one of the most important ways of understanding what to do while playing poker. Even though they are deemed to be less important than the maths that is involved, they are important nonetheless. Players looking to win while playing poker must ensure that they observe their opponent’s actions in order to get an idea of the cards that they might be holding and predict their likely actions. Therefore, even when a player is not involved in a round, studying other players can allow the to understand their actions and make use of this knowledge to their advantage. Simply put, poker tells refer to actions, emotions or behavioral aspects – anything that gives your opponents away. Poker pros can determine whether their opponents have good cards in a heartbeat. There are subtle things that make a difference. For example, one player might whistle when he/ she has good cards while the other might appear to be uninterested in the game. Similarly, one player might become too fidgety while another might find it difficult to hide his/ her excitement. Here is a list of the top ten Texas Hold’em Poker Tells.

Texas Hold’em Poker Tell # 1 – Tight play, loose talk
The first thing that each and every poker player must learn about is what starting cards are their opponents likely to play with. The first clue is found in the number of hands that they actually play. Tight players are likely to play about 10% of their hands, whereas a loose player might end up playing as many as 60% of their hands. Moreover, some players love to talk about why they raise, the hands they call in, etc. Don’t be fooled by tight play and loose talk. Simply count the number of hands your opponents are involved in.

Texas Hold’em Poker Tell # 2 – Watch the Eyes
A number of poker pros wear sunglasses while playing poker. Yes, even they’re smart enough to know that sunlight is not likely to affect them while playing poker. These pros wear sunglasses because they understand the fact that eyes don’t lie. For example, players simply cannot help but stare at huge hole cards, only the length of the stare varies on how experienced the player is.

Texas Hold’em Poker Tell # 3 – Button Raises
A number of players are known to button raise if there are no other players in the hand before them or when there hasn’t been a raise. Yes, they might have a decent hand, but make sure that you don’t toss away your blind hand simply because they raised. If you toss away good hands every time they raise, they’re never going to stop.

Texas Hold’em Poker Tell # 4 – Attitude and Body Posture
You might not know this, but your body posture and your attitude play a huge role in betraying the strength of your hand. For example, you might notice a player’s shoulder droop if he/ she has a weak hand. On the other hand, a player with an excellent hand is likely to sit extremely erect and look very attentive. You might also notice that players who tend to bluff a lot automatically lean forward.

Texas Hold’em Poker Tell # 5 – Neatly Stacked Chips
All players have a habit of stacking their chips in certain ways. In most cases, you can expect looser players to have messy looking chips and tight players to have perfectly stacked chips. However, this rule might not apply to all players, particularly as the skill level increases.

Poker Hand

Still think poker is just about skill and luck? Wait till you read the 2nd Part of the Top Ten Texas Hold’em Poker Tells.

How to keep your computer safe when gambling online

One of the main things that you need to ensure before beginning your online gambling journey is the safety and security of your computer and your personal information. There are a number of steps that can help you protect your computer and your identity from being stolen and your accounts from being hacked. Remember, it is not enough that you choose a secure casino to gamble with. You also need to take certain precautions to ensure that you don’t fall prey to hackers and fraudsters. Some of the most basic things to remember is to ensure that you have the right antivirus softwares and to ensure that you never give out your personal information.

In fact, one of the easiest ways of ensuring that your computers remain safe is spending about $50 on an antivirus that offers your machine with complete protection against viruses, spams, spyware and malware. Two of the most famous antivirus systems available in the markets are Kaspersky and Norton. You can easily purchase these softwares directly from the internet or from any computer store near you.

It also helps to use stronger passwords that are difficult to break down. Many users make the mistake of keeping names, vehicle numbers, telephone numbers or birthdays as their passwords. All these passwords are extremely easy to break down. The ideal password should consist of symbols, numbers as well as alphabets. You should also ensure that your password is at least 8 digits long. This helps you to protect your computer and your personal information from password crackers. You should also ensure that you use different passwords for different accounts and different requirements. For example, if you have the same password for all your gambling accounts, cracking one allows the hacker to get access to all your accounts. On the other hand, if you have different passwords for different accounts, it is easier to maintain your safety and security.

Another measure that can help you keep your computer safe is to ensure that you don’t visit dodgy websites and don’t download programs or movies from funny websites or websites that don’t seem trustworthy. It also helps to avoid those online gambling “cheating” softwares. These cheating softwares are simply programs that aim to scam you out of your money, steal your personal or financial information and/ or damage your computers.

Other things worth checking out include
* Security Tokens – Many online casinos offer their users with security tokens that can be used to help keep the login safe. These tokens are a hardware that contains a random 6 digit number (the number keeps changing every minute). You need to enter the correct number being displayed on the hardware in order to login along with your password. However, most of these features are reserved for VIP players only.
* Avoid email scams – Make sure that you learn to differentiate scam emails from the genuine ones. Basically, any email that fishes for information or asks you to download a particular attachment or visit a link should be marked as suspicious. Take adequate precautions while dealing with all such emails.
* Avoid using public WiFi networks to gamble – Public WiFi networks are known to be open to all and are not the safest places to access the internet from. These networks make your laptops susceptible to attacks. Make sure that you don’t log into any of your accounts when using a public WiFi network.